Performance Management System

Cultivate trust, ignite engagement, and drive your workforce towards exceptional productivity with our state of art performance system.

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Performance Management System
for trust-driven work culture

Sentrient is a reliable easy-to-use online performance management system that suits the needs of small, medium, and large-scale businesses in New Zealand and Australia. It helps you conduct performance reviews, employee engagement surveys, give ratings to staff or managers, set goals, share feedback, and perform well-being checks across the organization. Choose Sentrient today to make your employees feel valued.

Most popular performance reviews
to track

Here are some of the most popular performance reviews that are crucial for you to track:

  • Competency assessment
  • Project-Based reviews
  • Grading appraisals
  • Stack ranking appraisals
  • 360-degree feedback
  • Annual performance reviews
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Add meetings

Sentrient’s performance review solution lets you create meetings in no time. It lets you add title, meeting type, details of attendees, time, location, summary, etc. You can attach important notes, documents, or any other media to make your process easier. Sentrient's easy to use performance management software also lets you send email notifications and reminders.

  • Add all the crucial meeting information instantly
  • Attach documents, notes or media for better clarity
  • Set real-time notifications and reminders

Manage meetings

Skyrocket your team's efficiency with Sentrient's top notch performance management tool. It offers great visibility into meeting details like title, location, date, type, start time, end time, etc. This feature also lets you edit and search meeting details. You can even add the meetings to Outlook to stay updated.

  • Single stop solution for meeting management
  • Edit and search meeting data with a single click
  • Add meetings in your Outlook to stay updated

Add goals

Our performance review management system lets you add the name and a detailed overview of goal along with its due date. Here you can prepare goals, set its priority, completion percentage, assign weightage, and select the staff members whom you want to assign goals. After this, you can select the reviewer of these goals.

  • Add a detailed overview of core business goals
  • Assign goals and weightage to employees
  • Appoint goal reviewer for better accuracy

Manage goals

Sentrient lets you manage your goals through a clean dashboard. Here you can accept or assign goal requests. You can access to get a detailed log of goal-related activities right from its creation to its completion. Apart from this, you can edit goal details from here and give it a rating or score. The best thing here is that you can lock the goals which means your employees can just add notes and update goal completion status rather than editing the contents.

  • Accept or assign goal requests seamlessly
  • Rate goals or assign them a score for better evaluation
  • Lock your goals to ensure end-to-end privacy

Add performance review details

Sentrient performance review system let the users to add crucial details and specify for whom the performance review is created i.e, single staff, or multiple staff. You can define the type of review like, staff only, manager only, staff and manager or 360-degree peer review. In this section, you will get a know-how of the details which you want to include in the performance review. It contains some important questions regarding an employee’s performance about their strengths, weaknesses, achievements, challenges, etc.

  • Define the performance review type
  • Set important question for accurate evaluation
  • Add specific details to performance review to ensure clarity

Manage performance reviews

Our robust performance management system enables you to see the status of meetings like Completed, In Progress, Not Started, Submitted, etc. You can edit these statuses and their due dates or delete them permanently. Even you can download performance reviews for future purposes. Sentrient also shows you the rating for every question and the average of these scores as well.

  • Track real-time status of meetings
  • Manage due dates without any hassles
  • Download reviews for future meetings

Improve performance of employees
without any pain with Sentrient

Want to know how your employees see your company or changes in performance? Then look no further than Sentrient. Our performance review solution ensures transparency in reviewing employee contributions. If you want to cultivate a culture of nurturing top talents, then Sentrient can be your success partner in this journey.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Whom Sentrient’s performance review system helps?

Sentrient mainly lend a helping hand to managers and top-level executives. However, it also makes employees a part of performance review process to make them feel valuable by offering them remarkable features to measure their progress.

How to choose the right performance management system?

While selecting a performance management system, consider its usability and how it can help you eliminate obstacles in managing employee efficiency. Also, ensure that it can help you create meaningful conversations with employees and stakeholders.

Is Sentrient support customised performance review templates?

Absolutely. Sentrient facilitates users to build performance review templates by adding important details and specifying the type of review (manager only, peer reviews, staff only, or staff and manager).

Does Sentrient's performance management tool support Outlook integration?

Yes, Sentrient is highly compatible with Microsoft Outlook which offers users the flexibility to add meetings so that they can stay on track.

How Sentrient improve employee performance?

Sentrient's online performance management software enhances employee performance by shaping a culture of trust, transparency, and collaboration. It offers modern functionalities for effective goal setting, confidential feedback sharing, and constant performance monitoring.

Is it possible to download the data of the performance review in Sentrient?

Yes. You can download your performance review data for future purposes. Subsequently, you can refer to this data to analyze trends, eliminate roadblocks and take better decisions.