People Management

Keep people informed, celebrate milestones and events, deliver a collaborative employee experience.

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People Management System

Create a collaborative employee experience

The Sentrient people management system creates a collaborative employee experience. It includes features such as announcements, community wall, milestones, organisation chart, Photo gallery, and quick links. Additional features include attendance, calendars, leave, and timesheet. This allows you to keep people informed, Celebrate milestones and events, and deliver a collaborative employee experience. It makes your HRIS feel like a community and creates a safe place for people to collaborate.

Keep people informed

Provide a one stop shop for communications, help people understand the broader business, have everything available for new hires from the time they start.

Increase visibility of important HR information

Celebrate milestones and events

Celebrate milestones such as birthdays and work anniversaries, shout out good behaviour and performance, market important events in the calendar.

Increase employee engagement one announcement at a time

Deliver a collaborative employee experience

Allow important HR information to be readily available, allow others to contribute, and enable collaboration across the organisation.

Double the impact of your message

Why the Sentrient people management system?

Having ongoing dialogue with staff about important HR matters and events in the calendar is important. That is where the Sentrient people management system sets you up to win. It makes it easy for you to communicate important HR information, targeting specific staff or everyone with the organisation. Being able to promote the benefits of HR, recognise those who are living the values and performing well, and taking time to celebrate key milestones will boost employee engagement and improve productivity. The people management system also lets you promote upcoming events and set the tone for people and culture within your business, building a community and creating a safe place for people to collaborate.

What is included in the Sentrient people
management system?

The Sentrient people management system includes announcements, community wall, milestones, organisation chart, photo gallery and quick links.


Make announcements to select staff or everyone in your organisation. The Sentrient people management system allows you to manage your announcements including featured banners, pop-ups and emails.

Community Wall

The community wall is a place for people to share ideas and recognise others. In the Sentrient people management system this style of communication creates a community and a safe place for people to collaborate.


Celebrate important milestones such as birthdays and work anniversaries. In the Sentrient people management system recognition can be on the staff dashboard and/or via direct email to make people feel good on special occasions.

Organisation chart

The staff directory and organisation chart provide visibility of the entire business. The Sentrient people management system allows you to control the information that is visible and introduce new hires to the business at the click of a button.

Photo gallery

The Sentrient people management system allows you to create photo galleries that commemorate important occasions. Build a culture that recognises people and events and leaves a history of celebration.

Quick links

Quick links can direct staff to areas within the Sentrient people management system, or broader HR platform. They can also direct people to external links and allow staff to readily access important support such as employee assistance programs.

How does the Sentrient
people management system work?

During set up the Sentrient team will guide you through a series of questions, such as how do you want to communicate with staff, what milestones and events do you want to recognise, and how you would like to set up your staff directory and organisation chart. You can then start to use the Sentrient people management system to communicate with staff and encourage others to collaborate. Throughout the year you can plan campaigns for important days such as R U OK Day, International Women’s Day, to encourage people take pause from their busy day to day schedule and be grateful. You will find the Sentrient people management system will be reliable. You will also find that our self-help resources and friendly customer service team will help with any questions you have along the way.

What people say?

“We find the email templates letting managers and the HR team know about upcoming milestones really helpful, as we can plan for these special days in advance.”
“We use the featured announcements to get engagement for upcoming events and important days for the business.”
“Having everything organised for new hires, such as our staff directory, organisation chart, links to important information, all makes for a great first impression.”