Document Management

Effortlessly manage crucial documents and get notified before deadlines and stay ahead of non-compliance.

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Dynamic document management system
to streamline your compliance

Sentrient's online document management system facilitates secure documents maintenance. It helps managers and administrators to keep a tab on several types of essential documents like appointment letter, resignation letter, end of probation letter, increment letter, etc. The Sentrient online document management system makes it easier for employees, managers, and administrators to access documents in time, enhancing overall administration and governance framework.

Most popular

Sentrient's smart online document management software lets you add and manage documents like:

  • Resignation letter
  • Increment letter
  • Redundancy letter
  • Employment agreement
  • End of probation letter
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Manage document templates

With Sentrient, managing documents become an easy task. See all important things like the name of document templates, category, status, person who made update, etc. You can even preview, edit or delete as and when needed.

  • Simplified document management
  • Access key information in a single click
  • Preview, edit, or delete documents on demand

Simplify document management with customisable templates

Sentrient, an all-in-one document management software, comes with a diverse range of 10+ customisable templates. These templates cover everything right from salaried contract, performance improvement letter, pay increase letter, redundancy letter to resignation letter. You can even add your own templates if needed.

  • Access to 10+ customisable templates
  • Explore a diverse template library
  • Add your own templates

Amend documents

Now you can effortlessly update any document with Sentrient’s robust document management solution. You can change the recipient’s name, address, postal code, dates, employer details, etc. Thanks to this functionality of Sentrient, you no more need to make efforts to prepare common documents every time. Furthermore, you can review your document before sending it.

  • Made changes to any document at anytime
  • Reduce duplication of efforts
  • Have an overview of the document before sending it

Document settings

With Sentrient’s online document management, you can give any title to the document. In addition to this, you can choose how you want to deliver the document. Sentrient gives you two options to deliver the document – e-mail and hard copy. If you choose hard copy than our system lets you print the document and deliver it to anyone physically.

  • Choose preferred document delivery method from email or hardcopy
  • Take print of document and handover it to anyone
  • Assign title to document to ensure better clarity

Tailor approvals for flexibility in document workflow

Sentrient lets you decide the type of response you want for your document like Acknowledge, Do Nothing or Signature. You can even define the category of documents and set approvals for the same. Such approvals can involve single parties or multiple parties. Keep the approval concurrent or sequential when there are multiple parties involved.

  • Add custom responses from Acknowledge, Signature or Do Nothing
  • Approvals can involve single or multiple parties
  • Distribute documents in distinct categories

Send emails if required

Sentrient document management software lets you send emails to approvers. In these mails, you can attach any kind of files you want. You can even set the due date for these emails. Apart from this, you can set the visibility for manager if needed. Because of this visibility, manager can see the status of document in real-time.

  • Attach important files to mail
  • Set due dates for the emails
  • Option to set visibility for managers

Navigate regulations with confidence with Sentrient's
document management software

Take the next step towards improved collaboration and process optimisation with Sentrient's enterprise-grade document management solution. Feel free to reach us to schedule a demo to experience how our cutting-edge solution can revolutionise your organisation's efficiency.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which types of documents you can manage in Sentrient?

You can manage several types of documents like payroll records, increment letters, resignation letters, employment agreement, redundancy letter, confidentiality agreement, etc.

Is it possible to customise documents?

Yes, Sentrient provides customisable templates for every type of document to help you save your precious time.

Which options are available for delivering documents?

Users can choose between email and hard copy delivery methods. For hard copy delivery, our online document management solution let the users to print and physically deliver documents.

How flexible is the approval workflow in Sеntriеnt?

Sеntriеnt offers tailored approval workflows where users can define response types (Acknowledge, Signature and Do Nothing) and involve single or multiple parties. Also, users can set concurrent or sequential approvals.

Can I send emails to approvers?

Yes, our avante-grade software enables you to send email to approvers, attach files, set due dates, and provide rеal timе visibility to managers.

Does Sentrient offers support in the implementation of document management solution?

Yеs, Sеntriеnt offеrs dеmos and round the clock support to hеlp organisations integrate and optimisе their document management solution effectively.