Online Courses

Say hello to effortless learning with our online course management system. Craft impactful virtual courses tailored to your organisation's unique training needs.

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Online course management software
to create any course in minutes!

Sentrient's online course management software streamlines the course addition, organisation, and maintenance. Thanks to real-time publishing, managers can make stunning courses and publish them in with minimal effort. This can eventually strengthen the organisational learning and development framework for your employees.

Most popular courses

Publish different courses and track their completion in real time with Sentrient’s best course creation software. Here are some courses you need to look at:

  • Internet and social media
  • Sexual harassment
  • Workplace bullying
  • Workplace health & safety
  • Equal employment opportunity
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Rapid addition of courses

Sentrient’s online course management software lets you add the name of course, its code, duration, owner details, description, etc. You can even enrol yourself in a particular course by activating the ‘Self Enrolment’ option. Furthermore, you can add reviewer, add review date, attach any type of files and map assessments.

  • Enrol employees with ease via the ‘Self Enrolment’ option
  • Incorporate review dates and attach diverse file types
  • Customise assessment mapping

A detailed overview of courses

Sentrient’s online course management tool allows the users to get a detailed view of the courses. Here you can see the status of the course i.e. Not started, Incomplete, or Completed. Apart from this, it becomes easy for you to keep track of course status in the form of version history. You can even edit the course from here.

  • See course status: Not started, Incomplete, or Completed
  • Option to edit different courses
  • Check out version history for better accessibility

Enrol your staff to courses anytime

Sentrient lets you nominate and enrol your staff members on different courses. You can add single or multiple employees to courses at a time. Also, you can select the policies for different courses and categorise them accordingly. After the confirmation of course enrolment, you will get a ‘Thank You’ message as acknowledgement.

  • Enrol employees to any course at anytime
  • Set policies for different courses
  • Get acknowledged after the enrolment completion

Manage course enrolments

Now managing course enrolments has become an easy task with Sentrient’s efficient online course creation software. It allows you to filter courses as per enrolment type, assessments, enrolment status, department, location, due date, staff status, course, group, etc. Thanks to this course, managers can get a clear understanding of course enrolments for intensive decision making.

  • Filter courses for better handling
  • Access to any type of real-time data
  • Helpful in decision making

Course summary reports

Sentrient lets you see the summary of all the courses in an attractive report form. These reports will let you see the total number of enrolments, the number of enrolments which are not started yet, the ones in the progress and the number of completed enrolments. All these reports are presented in the colourful format which makes it more appealing.

  • Attractive representation of courses via summary reports
  • Easily accessible reports for every status of enrolments
  • Colourful formats to make the reports eye catchy

Save reports

Our robust elearning course creation software lets you save the course reports in PDF, Excel, and CSV reports. You can even automate when you want to get a report and rename the same. What’s more, you can set frequency for reports viz. Daily, Weekly or Monthly. Moreover, you can add the name of receiver, subject and content of email.

  • Customise email details with a single click
  • Save course-related reports in formats like CSV, Excel, and PDF
  • Automate report generation to save human efforts

Leverage the power of online learning with
Sentrient’s online course management software

Cultivate an employee-centric culture and empower them with the latest courses with Sentrient's best e learning course creation software. Let's join hands to implement a streamlined way of online course creation for effective learning, assessment, and publishing.

Get Started Today

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I customise the courses as per our organisation's training needs?

Yes, Sentrient is one of the best online course creation software that enables you to build digital courses that are exclusively focused on your organisation's unique requirements.

Is it easy to add new courses?

Absolutely, you can add different courses with ease in Sentrient. You can easily insert the course code, name, duration, due date, description, etc.

Can employees enrol themselves in courses on their own or do they need the manager's help?

Both options are there. If employees want to enrol themselves, they can use the 'Self Enrolment' feature. Even the managers can nominate employees for a particular course and enrol them as needed.

How to track the real-time progress of course completion?

Sentrient provides real-time tracking of course completion status, allowing managers to monitor progress with ease.

What kind of reports can bе generated to assess course enrolments & completion?

Sеntriеnt's systеm providеs comprеhеnsivе summary rеports that display total еnrolmеnts, their status (Not started, In progress and Completed) and other relevant metrics.

Can I schedule automatic report generation?

Of course, you can automate the generation of reports as per your preferred frequency (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly). You can even customise email details.