15 min

Workplace Bullying Prevention Training Course

Create a safe and secure workplace environment for everyone within your organisation by empowering your employees and teams to address and prevent workplace bullying and harassment with this course.

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Workplace Bullying and Harassment Prevention
​Online Training Course

Australia & New Zealand

Everyone must act appropriately regarding workplace bullying. This responsibility is not only a legal requirement but also about ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and with respect.

Did you know these facts about workplace bullying?

  • 30% of workers in Australia have experienced bullying behaviour at work.*
  • Every second worker has seen bullying in Australian workplaces.
  • Bullying can happen in any workplace, no matter how big or small.

Workplace Bullying Course Overview

This online course focuses on combating workplace bullying and is tailored for employees, contractors, and volunteers. The course defines workplace bullying, explores its effects, and offers methods for prevention and resolution. It equips learners with the skills to identify bullying behaviour and details the procedures for reporting and handling such issues. The program highlights the need for collective action to maintain a respectful and equitable work environment. This training can be undertaken independently or as a segment of Sentrient's extensive Safeguard online workplace compliance suite, which also features courses on work health and safety (WHS), sexual harassment, and equal employment opportunity (EEO).

This workplace bullying course is legally compliant and regularly updated to meet the laws of all Australian states and territories, as well as New Zealand. It was developed in collaboration with Mills Oakley Law Firm in Australia and Simpson Grierson Law Firm in New Zealand.

Target audience

This course is appropriate for all your employees, contractors, and volunteers working in Australian workplaces. It can be offered to new hires during their induction and used as ongoing refresher training on workplace bullying.

Topics covered

  • The legal aspects of workplace bullying.
  • Behaviours that constitute bullying.
  • The effects of bullying in the workplace.
  • The importance of preventing bullying over resolving it.
  • Steps to identify, report, and resolve workplace bullying incidents.
  • Your role is to maintain a workplace that is safe, fair, and equitable.

Learner experience

This course is simple to use, clear, and suits all learning styles. Learners will engage in case studies and activities to emphasise the importance of preventing bullying at work. The course concludes with a quiz to test understanding and includes a pledge where each individual commits to supporting a workplace culture of fairness and respect.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing this workplace bullying course, learners will:

  • Understand workplace bullying and relevant laws.
  • Identify behaviours that constitute workplace bullying.
  • Recognise the effects of bullying in the workplace.
  • Understand why preventing bullying is preferable to addressing it afterwards.
  • Learn how to spot, report, and handle incidents of workplace bullying.
  • Appreciate the significance of maintaining a safe, fair, and equitable workplace culture.

Business outcomes

After all employees, contractors, and volunteers finish this online course, your organisation will see these benefits:

  • Fewer cases of unprofessional behaviour at work.
  • Reduced legal risks related to improper workplace behaviour.
  • Protection of your company's reputation from harm due to misconduct.
  • Encouragement for everyone to behave ethically.
  • Increased employee involvement through a supportive and fair workplace culture.
  • A competitive edge by becoming a more attractive employer.

To Get a FREE Demonstration

of the online workplace bullying and harassment training course, please contact us today!

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What do people say?

“ Having a platform that can fulfil our compliance records management, as well as our ongoing training and policy management, all in the one place, is very helpful, and the automation rules mean that we can walk away knowing that staff members will get the training when they need it. ”

Alison Forrest
People and Culture Manager
Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre

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“ Sentrient is incredibly easy for our staff to use, and for our people and culture team to administer. Sentrient is simple, quick, and easy. Having the set and forget function is a game changer. ”

Marella Verbeeten
Head of People and Culture
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria

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“ Sentrient has helped us deliver training and mange policies and procedures seamlessly and I am very keen to explore other modules available within the system. ”

Lisa Hunter
Director of People and Culture
Kids First Australia

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“ The Sentrient team is always accommodating and helpful. I am in a better position since partnering with Sentrient where I am not chasing the team and the system is doing it all for me. ”

Julia Tierney
Human Resource Manager
Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation

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