15 min

Work Health and Safety Training Course

This short, 15-minute online course helps supervisors and managers make sure everyone stays safe at work. It gives clear guidelines for spotting and dealing with health and safety problems.

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Legally Endorsed Work Health and Safety (WHS)
​Online Training Course

Australia & New Zealand

Ensuring work health and safety (WHS) isn't just a legal obligation—it's everyone's duty. Every individual deserves a safe workplace environment.

Did you know these facts about WHS?

  • Breaking WHS rules can result in up to $3 million in fines and five years in prison.*
  • Work injuries and sickness cost Australia over $60 billion yearly.*
  • Any workplace can face WHS breaches.

Work Health & Safety Course Overview

This online WHS course delves into the Workplace Health and Safety Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It clarifies the significance of WHS, its essence, and our collective role in fostering a safe work environment. It guides on handling WHS hazards, risks, and incidents at work, promoting active participation in workplace safety.

This WHS course is legally compliant and regularly updated to reflect legislation across all Australian states and territories as well as New Zealand. Developed in collaboration with Mills Oakley Law Firm for Australia and Simpson Grierson Law Firm for New Zealand, it ensures accuracy and relevance to local regulations.

Target audience

This online WHS training course is appropriate for all your employees, contractors, and volunteers working in the Australian workplace. It's ideal for new hires during induction and serves as a refresher for ongoing WHS training.

Topics covered

  • Understanding work health and safety (WHS).
  • Recognising the consequences of workplace accidents.
  • Exploring the measures taken by employers to uphold WHS.
  • Individual responsibilities for maintaining personal and others' safety.
  • Managing WHS hazards, risks, and incidents effectively.
  • Affirming everyone's right to a safe workplace.

Learner experience

This online WHS training course is designed for easy navigation and comprehensive understanding, catering to all learning styles. Through engaging case studies and activities, learners will grasp the significance of WHS in the workplace. Upon completion, a learning check ensures understanding, accompanied by a commitment declaration to fostering a healthy and safe workplace through individual contributions.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this online WHS training course, your workers will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Know what Work Health and Safety (WHS) means.
  • Learn about the effects of accidents at work.
  • Know what actions your employer will take to keep the workplace safe and healthy.
  • Learn what you must do to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Learn how to handle hazards, risks, and incidents related to WHS at work.
  • Understand your duty to help keep the work environment safe and healthy.

Business outcomes

Once all employees complete the online WHS training, your organisation will see these benefits:

  • Fewer workplace injuries and illnesses.
  • Less risk of legal issues related to workplace injuries and illnesses.
  • Lower costs for worker's compensation insurance.
  • Protection of your company's reputation from harm due to workplace accidents.
  • Encouragement for all workers to act responsibly.
  • Increased worker involvement that values a safe and healthy workplace.
  • A competitive edge by being recognised as a preferred employer.

To Get a FREE Demonstration

of the online work health and safety training course, please get in touch with us today!

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“ Having a platform that can fulfil our compliance records management, as well as our ongoing training and policy management, all in the one place, is very helpful, and the automation rules mean that we can walk away knowing that staff members will get the training when they need it. ”

Alison Forrest
People and Culture Manager
Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre

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“ Sentrient is incredibly easy for our staff to use, and for our people and culture team to administer. Sentrient is simple, quick, and easy. Having the set and forget function is a game changer. ”

Marella Verbeeten
Head of People and Culture
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria

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“ Sentrient has helped us deliver training and mange policies and procedures seamlessly and I am very keen to explore other modules available within the system. ”

Lisa Hunter
Director of People and Culture
Kids First Australia

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“ The Sentrient team is always accommodating and helpful. I am in a better position since partnering with Sentrient where I am not chasing the team and the system is doing it all for me. ”

Julia Tierney
Human Resource Manager
Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation

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