15 min

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Course

Empower employees and associates within your organisation to effectively address and respond to misconduct and sexual harassment within just 15 minutes with this Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Course.

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Legally Endorsed Sexual Harassment Prevention
Online Training Course

Australia & New Zealand

Today, ensuring everyone feels respected and treated fairly at work isn't just a rule—it's a basic human right. Our 15-minute online course empowers individuals to uphold these values in the workplace, promoting a safe and inclusive environment for all.

Did you know these facts about sexual harassment?

  • Two out of five adults over 18 have faced sexual harassment in their lifetime.
  • Half of all women and a quarter of all men have experienced sexual harassment.
  • One in six women and one in eleven men have encountered sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment Course Overview

Our online course on sexual harassment is for employees, contractors, and volunteers. It covers what sexual harassment and gender-based harassment are, their impact on workplaces, and ways to prevent them. You'll learn to recognise sexual harassment at work and how to respond.

The course is part of the full Safeguard by Sentrient program, which also covers work health and safety, bullying, and equal employment opportunity. It complies with regulations in every state and territory of Australia and New Zealand, created in collaboration with Mills Oakley Law Firm for Australia and Simpson Grierson Law Firm for New Zealand.

Target audience

This online course on sexual harassment is designed for all employees, contractors, and volunteers working in Australia and New Zealand, but it's also valuable for general education elsewhere. You can include it in your workplace respect, relations, and safety programs. It's perfect for new hires during orientation and for regular refresher training sessions.

Topics covered

  • Understanding sexual harassment laws.
  • Recognising several types of sexual and gender-based harassment.
  • Exploring the workplace impacts of sexual harassment.
  • Emphasising the importance of prevention over reaction.
  • Learn to identify, report, and resolve incidents of sexual harassment.
  • Acknowledging the responsibility for fairness and respect in the workplace.

Additionally, the course addresses recent legislative amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), and the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) resulting from the Sex Discrimination and Fair Work (Respect at Work) Amendment Act 2021.

Learner experience

This online course offers easy navigation and clear content and caters to different learning styles. Participants will engage in case studies and interactive exercises that emphasise the importance of preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. After the course, there will be a comprehension assessment and a commitment declaration to foster a fair and respectful workplace environment for all.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this online course, you will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Gain an understanding of sexual harassment laws.
  • Identify various forms of sexual harassment.
  • Recognise the workplace impacts of sexual harassment.
  • Articulate the importance of prevention.
  • Acquire skills to identify, report, and address incidents of sexual harassment.
  • Contribute to promoting a workplace culture of respect and dignity for all.

Business outcomes

Upon completion of the online course by all employees, contractors, and volunteers, your organisation will realise the following business outcomes:

  • Minimised instances of unprofessional behaviour in the workplace.
  • Reduced exposure to legal liabilities linked to unlawful conduct.
  • Safeguarded reputation against the negative impact of misconduct incidents.
  • Articulated a collective vision for ethical conduct among all personnel.
  • Enhanced employee engagement through a respectful workplace culture.

To Get a FREE Demonstration

of the sexual harassment training course, please get in touch with us today!

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“ Having a platform that can fulfil our compliance records management, as well as our ongoing training and policy management, all in the one place, is very helpful, and the automation rules mean that we can walk away knowing that staff members will get the training when they need it. ”

Alison Forrest
People and Culture Manager
Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre

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“ Sentrient is incredibly easy for our staff to use, and for our people and culture team to administer. Sentrient is simple, quick, and easy. Having the set and forget function is a game changer. ”

Marella Verbeeten
Head of People and Culture
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria

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“ Sentrient has helped us deliver training and mange policies and procedures seamlessly and I am very keen to explore other modules available within the system. ”

Lisa Hunter
Director of People and Culture
Kids First Australia

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“ The Sentrient team is always accommodating and helpful. I am in a better position since partnering with Sentrient where I am not chasing the team and the system is doing it all for me. ”

Julia Tierney
Human Resource Manager
Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation

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