15 min

Equal Employment Opportunity Training Course

Get legally compliant and up-to-date Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training for your employees, contractors, and volunteers in just 15 minutes, covering all states and territories in Australia and New Zealand.

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Legally Endorsed Equal Employment Opportunity
​Online Training Course

Australia & New Zealand

Everyone must uphold principles of equal employment opportunity (EEO) and workplace diversity. This course is not solely about the legal obligation; it is a commitment to treating everyone fairly and with respect because everyone deserves it.

Did you know these facts about EEO?

  • 13% of the Australian workforce has faced discrimination or sexual harassment.
  • AHRC Australia handles over 2,000 harassment cases in workplace yearly.
  • Unlawful adverse action and victimisation cases can occur in workplaces of any size.

Equal Employment Opportunity Course Overview

This online training course on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is tailored for employees, contractors, and volunteers. It explores the concept of EEO and highlights its significance in fostering a positive organisational culture. The course covers recognising unlawful behaviours, reporting, and resolving issues, and supporting a diverse and fair workplace.

Our EEO training course follows the law and stays updated with regulations in every state and territory of Australia and New Zealand. It was created in collaboration with Mills Oakley Law Firm for Australia and Simpson Grierson Law Firm for New Zealand to ensure accuracy and compliance with the law.

Target audience

We designed this online Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training course for everyone in the Australian workplace, including employees, contractors, and volunteers. It's an ideal resource for introducing new hires to EEO principles during their induction.

Topics covered

  • An overview of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and relevant legal frameworks.
  • Characteristics legally protected against discrimination.
  • Definitions and examples of unlawful adverse actions in the workplace.
  • The concept of reasonable accommodations or adjustments in the workplace.
  • Guidelines on how to recognise, report, and address such incidents in a workplace.
  • Highlighting individual responsibilities to ensure fair treatment and respect for all.

Learner experience

The online Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) training course is designed to be user-friendly, transparent, and inclusive of all learning styles. Throughout the course, learners will engage in case studies and interactive activities to underscore the significance of EEO in the workplace. The training concludes with a review quiz to assess understanding, followed by a declaration in which each participant commits to fostering a workplace culture of fairness and respect.

Learning outcomes

Upon completing this online EEO training course, participants will achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • Foundational knowledge of EEO and its legal aspects.
  • Learn about the various personal attributes that are protected under the law.
  • Identify behaviours that constitute unlawful adverse actions in the workplace.
  • Acquire knowledge on how to request reasonable accommodations or adjustments.
  • Develop skills to identify, report, and address incidents of unlawful adverse actions.
  • Maintaining a workplace culture that emphasises fairness and respect for all.

Business outcomes

After all employees, contractors, and volunteers finish the online EEO course, your organisation will experience the following benefits:

  • Decrease in unprofessional conduct within the workplace.
  • Lowered risk of legal liabilities due to unlawful workplace behaviours.
  • Protect your organisational reputation against workplace misconduct.
  • Establishment of a sharp vision for equity and diversity in your workplace.
  • Enhanced employee engagement with respectful workplace culture.
  • Recognition as an employer of choice.

To Get a FREE Demonstration

of the online EEO training course, please get in touch with us today!

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“ Having a platform that can fulfil our compliance records management, as well as our ongoing training and policy management, all in the one place, is very helpful, and the automation rules mean that we can walk away knowing that staff members will get the training when they need it. ”

Alison Forrest
People and Culture Manager
Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre

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Marella Verbeeten
Head of People and Culture
Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria

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Lisa Hunter
Director of People and Culture
Kids First Australia

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Julia Tierney
Human Resource Manager
Nepean Area Disabilities Organisation

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