Policy Management System

Failing to comply with HR policies and compliance? Now, effortlessly manage human resource policies and procedures with our user-friendly policy management system software.

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An end-to-end system software
to manage HR policies and procedures

Simplify and streamline the creation, assignment, and management of HR policies with HR policy management software. This all-in-one policy and procedure management software can be a game changer for your New Zealand and Australian business.

Policy management records

Sentrient regulates policies and procedures on your behalf so that your HR can focus on core business. Below are the features and functionalities to back up your HR team;

  • Policy creation 
  • Policy enrolment 
  • Course assignment 
  • Policy addition 
  • Comprehensive report 
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Create personalised policies

Australian businesses are diverse, and different departments have specific policy needs. Empower your team to develop policies confidently using extensive features such as naming, ownership, assessment, responses, status updates, and questionnaires.

  • Draft policy and procedure documents 
  • Let your human resource team review policies 
  • Set remarks and enable your HR to approve policies 

Enrol staff and assign policies

Transform your HR policy and procedure assignment workflow. Authorise your HR team to assign personalised policies to individual employees. This approach will urge skills of employee ownership and personal development that improve overall workplace culture.

  • Pre-defined workflow for policy assignments  
  • Assign multiple policies to multiple staff at once 
  • Email notification for staff enrolment 

Manage policies on the go

Regulating countless policies is an intricate task, even for HR hires. Most businesses confront descending morale, inefficient processes, unengaged staff, and compliance issues. You can now broadly manage and regulate policies, from live status to reset attempts.

  • Real-time updates for policies in-progress and completed 
  • Policy completion assessment details and visibility 
  • Force completion, bulk selection, and reset attempts options 

Audit policies and get detailed reports

Our policy management software includes end-to-end reporting functionality, allowing you to monitor all activities and users. With just a click, you can access comprehensive details. This HR policy software enables your business to adhere to policy laws and regulations.

  • Policy summary reports in percentage and pie charts 
  • Policy status and staff details reports 
  • Policy renewals and expirations reports 

Organise HR policies and procedures with
Sentrient’s policy management system

With over a decade of experience and expertise in offering HRMS and compliance solutions in New Zealand and Australian industries, Sentrient can be your ideal partner for navigating the complexities of your workplace regulations and promoting an inclusive work environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is policy management software?

Policy management software is a computer program that helps organisations create, manage, and enforce policies and regulations within the workplace environment. It allows users to easily create and distribute policy documents, track compliance, and automate policy-related tasks.

Which is the best policy management software?

Sentrient is one of the most reliable HR policy and procedure management software systems used in Australia and New Zealand. Its extensive features and functionalities enable organisations to proactively create, distribute, and manage policies.

How can a policy management software help my business?

A policy management system makes it easier for the HR executives and leaders within your organisation to create and distribute policies. It helps your business to stay compliant with the governmental rules and regulations.

What features and functionalities does the Sentrient Policy Management System offer?

Sentrient Policy Management Software offers features such as policy creation, policy enrolment, course assignment, policy addition, and comprehensive reporting capabilities to streamline and manage organisational compliance processes effectively.