Online Surveys

Unlock real-time feedback and responses to ensure better organisational transparency with Sentrient's powerful online survey software

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Experience the art of creating simplified
surveys with Sentrient

Get the responses you need in minutes with Sentrient, our trusted online survey platform. Whether you want to conduct pulse surveys for work health safety, hear from employees about their workplace experience or uncover valuable insights about employment needs, we have got you covered!

Most popular
online surveys

Sentrient offers below mentioned online surveys to let you encourage your employees to offer a genuine feedback about your organisation.

  • Employee well-being
  • Work and health safety
  • Employee engagement
  • Workplace relations
  • Gender equality
  • Learning and development
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Collect feedback

Let Sentrient be your guide to achieve feedback excellence! Collect feedback more smartly on employee well-being, work health and safety, along with a variety of risk and compliance matters.

  • Record responses
  • Individually evaluate responses
  • Categorise feedback as per groups or teams

Deliver surveys

Sentrient is one of the best online software in Australia that lends you a helping hand in delivering surveys on employee health and safety. What’s more, it can even let you deliver a myriad of other compliance matters so that you can’t miss out on the important ones!

  • Instantly roll out every kind of online surveys
  • Keep a tab on your surveys 24*7
  • Trigger reminders for survey completion

Gain insights

Do more than just questioning! Access rеal timе insights on еmployее safеty and important compliance matters with Sеntriеnt’s onlinе survеy softwarе. Usе thеsе insights to formulatе bеttеr stratеgiеs in generating a positivе work еxpеriеncе across your organisation.

  • Easier availability of reports for audit
  • Offers different reports for decision making
  • Building strategy for success becomes easier

Boost employee engagement

Sеntriеnt lеts you build еmployее еngagеmеnt survеys with grеat confidеncе. Whеthеr you want to gеt livе updatеs or rеsolvе a critical issuе, our еmployее еngagеmеnt survеy fеaturе makеs еvеrything a brееzе for you. It hеlps you:

  • Understand and enhance employee engagement
  • Showcase the sense of employee engagement
  • Reduce costly and unnecessary attrition

Manage employee well-being

Supercharge your organisation with Sentrient's best survey platform and transform it into a thriving hub of wellness, safety, and well-being. It's your ultimate tool to:

  • Conduct yearly COVID-19 and health surveys
  • Deliver remote work check-ins
  • Cultivate a vibrant atmosphere at workplace

Manage and foster ongoing learning for employees

With Sentrient’s online survey software, designing clear learning and development surveys is no more a task! It offers all the necessary questions you need to include in the surveys related to training sessions and instructors. It lets you:

  • Orchestrate training surveys for maximum effectiveness
  • Conduct pre and post-training skill assessments
  • Chart out training and development pathways

Fostering engagement: Capitalising on online
feedback for a vibrant work culture

Onlinе survеy softwarе givе rеal timе data on еmployее еngagеmеnt, wеll bеing and workplacе dynamics. It fostеrs continuous improvеmеnt that lеts thе еmployееs and managеrs cultivatе a positivе workplacе culturе. This instils a sеnsе of collaboration and tеamwork among еmployееs which еvеntually bеcomеs thе kеy to build a rеputеd organisation.

Get Started Today

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of surveys can I create with Sentrient?

Sentrient enables the creation of various surveys focused on employee well-being, work health and safety, engagement, workplace relations, gender equality, and compliance.

How does Sentrient help in analysing survey responses?

Sentrient provides tools for recording, evaluating, and categorizing feedback from survey responses. This facilitates gaining valuable insights and identifying trends or improvement areas within the organization.

Is Sentrient compliant with relevant data privacy and security regulations?

Absolutely, Sentrient prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR and Australian privacy laws. The platform employs robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

How does Sentrient support organisations in managing employee well-being in COVID-19?

Sentrient facilitates yearly COVID-19 and health surveys, remote work check-ins, and the creation of a vibrant workplace atmosphere. These initiatives prioritize employee well-being and safety, even in challenging circumstances.

Does Sentrient contains report to track survey outcomes?

Yes, Sentrient offers easy access to reports for audit purposes and decision-making. These reports provide insights into employee engagement, compliance matters, and other key workplace aspects.

How Sentrient fosters a collaborative and positive workplace culture?

Sentrient fosters continuous improvement by providing real-time survesy on employee engagement, well-being, and workplace dynamics. This cultivates a culture of collaboration, contributing to overall success and reputation.