Incident Management System

Streamline incident reporting with Sentrient and stop recurrences for a safer, more efficient work environment.

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Incident Management System to
redefine incident resolution

Sentrient's online incident management system makes it easy for employees to report incidents from any location. When dealing with our system, you can manage any kind of incident systematically from the moment of report until the point of resolution. You can even let your staff members to add incidents, define incident type, add date, and time, and share more details about the incident. Furthermore, employees can keep their incident data confidential if they don't want to involve their team lead or manager.

critical incidents

Take the incident resolution to new heights by leveraging Sentrient incident management solution's advanced features.

  • Child safety concern
  • Cybersecurity threats
  • Frauds and malpractices
  • Sexual harassment
  • Workplace bullying
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Incident reporting

Sentrient’s online incident management software offers you a clear dashboard where your employees capture the details of the incident and report it in real time. It reports different incidents like property damage, security threats, abuse, safety issues, damage to property, etc. and send them to a nominated contact for resolution.

  • Clеar dashboard for incidеnt data capturе
  • Rеal timе rеporting
  • Sеnd rеports to dеsignatеd contacts

Confidential incident

Report critical incidents without compromising on your privacy with Sentient online incident reporting software. Reach out to HR or a concerned safety officer without revealing your identity, contact details, or source of information to anyone. Because of this, you can safeguard your identity and stay assured that no one will put a blame on you.

  • Reach out to concern persons with ease
  • Keep your identity confidential
  • Ensure end-to-end security

Incident notes

Our online incident reporting software facilitates users to take notes of crucial details and updates of a specific incident. It centralises all the reports and allows stakeholders to connect and collaborate efficiently to track the progress of issue resolution. Sentrient's incident notes feature serves as a documented log of actions, promoting accountability and transparency.

  • Collaborate with stakeholders
  • Document anything, anytime!
  • Get all types of reports at a single place

Incident actions

Sentrient offers you the incident actions functionality which facilitates you to have a detailed overview of actions taken on an incident. Here you can see the name of action, whom it is assigned, the due date, notes, and the detailed description of action. In addition to this, you can set priority for actions viz. High, Medium, or Low.

  • Take actions on incident swiftly
  • Prioritise actions as per severity
  • Describe every action in detail

Incident activities

With Sentrient’s online incident management solution, you can add incident details with ease. Here you can see the date when the incident was assigned along with the name of the person who assigned the same. Plus, you can get a detailed description of various activities done after the reporting of incident. You can categorise and filter the incidents for better accessibility and clarity.

  • Know the progress of incident instantly
  • Gain better clarity into incident status
  • Filter incident activties

Incident visibility

Reporting critical issues is not a child’s play; it can sometimes cause critical consequences that puts a person’s reputation at risk. Therefore, Sentrient’s online incident management software is equipped with the incident visibility feature. This feature lets employees to expand their visibility whenever needed. It means you can allow a third person i.e. a witness, to view the incident details.

  • Enhance visibility as discussed
  • Include witnesses easily
  • Safeguard your reputation

Supercharge your safety journey with the
incident management system

Sentrient is your strategic partner in mastering safety procedures effortlessly. Embrace the power of effortless compliance mastery. Ready to simplify your safety journey and experience tranquillity like never before? Let Sentrient take the lead – click here to start your seamless safety adventure today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What type of critical incidents can Sentrient handle?

Sеntriеnt got you covеrеd for all kind of critical incidеnts. Whеthеr it is a a cybеrsеcurity thrеat, fraud, harassmеnt, or workplacе bullying, our systеm is on it! Wе makе surе that you can deal such issuеs with better efficiency and ease.

Can I report incidents confidentially?

Absolutely! Your privacy is our priority. With Sentrient's online incident management solution you can anonymously report sensitive incidents. No need to worry about revealing your identity or contact details. We've got your back!

What can I do with incident actions feature?

With our incident actions feature, you can carefully see everything track a particular incident's progress in real-time. Who's doing what, when it's due, and how important it is – it's all there! We help you prioritise tasks so it doesnt create much confusion for you and your team.

How does the incident visibility feature make a difference in managing incidents?

At times you need extra eyes on an incident to ensure credibility. Our incident visibility feature lets you bring in others, like witnesses, to have a look without compromising anyone's privacy. Transparency is key!

Can I organise and filter incidents?

Yes, you can. Sentrient incident management software makes it easier for you to categorise and filter incidents with ease. So, whether you're sorting by type or priority, we've got all the tools you need to keep things organised.

Does the system support real-time incident reporting?

Absolutely! Sentrient's online incident management system comes with a dynamic, user-friendly dashboard for reporting incidents in real time. Thanks to this, you no more have to wait to get a detailed overview of any incident, you can access to an accurate reporting to get things sorted quickly.